Returning Families

Welcome Back Checklist

  1. Get in touch with your den leader to let them know you are back
  2. Get new calendar
  3. Fill out the contact form with any new contact information
  4. Make sure you can get on ScoutBook
  5. Review medical forms or complete a new form
  6. Get signed up for popcorn – Trails End
  7. Volunteer!

Looking Deeper

  • Family Information Guide – This PDF gives a great introductory view of Cub Scouts as a whole.
  • Trips and Events Page – We have pages explaining our trips and events planned throughout the year. It breaks down what to expect, costs, locations, and more for each trip!
  • Uniforms – More information about the Cub Scout uniform.

More Information

  • – This is the official Scouting member portal
  • – This website is where we track advancement, pack dues, and other information.
  • – This is the local council website. There is lots of useful information.
  • Aims and Methods of Cub Scouting – This website gives the Aims and Methods of Cub Scouting. It also serves as a steeping stop to many more useful pieces of information regarding Cub Scouts.
  • Guide to Safe Scouting – This is the code of conduct of which all Scout leaders and participants so guide their actions.